
1 More Week

The whole weekly countdown thing obviously ended a few weeks ago.Let's face it... it is way too hard to think of the positive aspects of pregnancy during the third trimester. I'm a much more positive person now that I only have 7 days {DAYS} left! A few weeks ago my doctor told me that she could induce me for medical reasons a week early if I wanted, which moved our due date up to March 22nd. Did I want? Hmmm let's see, that was a hard decision... yes! I've been jumping through hoops, going to extra doctor appointments, having extra lab work and twice weekly non stress tests done because of my "lupus". So if anything positive could come from that I was definitely going to take advantage of it. And I love the fact that (if everything goes as planned) his birthday will be on an even numbered day instead of an odd number at the very end of the month. I know... I'm weird. Whatever. I like even numbers more than odd... so what.

I started my maternity leave this week. So I've been sitting around trying to relax while at the same time thinking that every little contraction or ache and pain means I'm going into labor. My doctor is going out of town this Thursday through Monday... so with my luck we will probably go into labor Thursday night.

We finally got Harper's room ready enough to bring him home. It took a little longer than I wanted. I wanted everything to be done before Christmas... that would have been nice but totally unrealistic. Here are some before, during and after pictures.


 My next post will probably have a picture of a little person in it. And I don't just mean me or Jason... I mean a really little person.


Danielle and Preston said...

i love his room!! so cute! good luck! let me know when everything happens!

JD and Elena said...

I really like the room! Congrats on making it this far and good luck with the delivery. So very exciting! Enjoy it all!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the way everything turned out, his room is adorable! The mobile totally added so much to the room. Good Job! I can't wait for him to get here, I have my phone by me 24/7 waiting for your call! I will be there as fast as I can, so tell Harper to come during my work or school so I can get out of it!

Brian and Amber said...

I love the nursery!!! So dang cute!! I can't believe you only have less than a week left...It seems like yesterday we saw you at Babies R Us :) Good luck with everything!! He will be such a handsome little guy :)

Zac and Shelece said...

His room turned out so dang cute!! I love it and it will look even cutier with the little man in it : ) Yahoo, you are so close now : ) Good luck girl!!

Kourtney and Nathan said...

Harper's room is so cute!! I love it! I'm so jealous it's done!! You guys are good! Good luck with this last week, maybe we will be in the hospital at the same time!! haha

Nicole said...

Nicole, it looks wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys... a week left. So exciting. Good luck! *