
Four Months

Isn't he just the cutest. I mean I know every mom thinks their kid is the "cutest" but really... look at him. I don't think I'm looking through mom goggles. The four month photo shoot went a little better, with a few more smiles, because I had a helper that always puts a smile on Harper's face... his daddy. Harper has been a daddy's boy lately. Jason seems to know the right games, dances and moves to get him to smile and giggle. I give Jason a hard time that Harper likes him better than me but truthfully it's so fun to watch them bond. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Harper and both really love when daddy comes home. I find myself, especially on a hard day, just watching the clock and the door. It's crazy how having a kid really makes you feel like a team. That was one of the first overwhelming feelings I felt after we came home with Harper. I wouldn't want to be on a team with anyone else besides Jason. He helps me SO much and is such a great dad.

Can't forget about my other little helper. 

 He's started rice cereal about a week ago and call me crazy but I swear he is already putting on the pounds because of it. He's finally getting some chunky rolls. Love em!
I'm sure he will be walking before we know it!
At his four month appointment he weighed in at 12.5 lbs and 24.5 inches long. He is so strong! He holds his head up all of the time and is trying his hardest to hold his bottle while he eats. Oh and good news... his hair is starting to grow back. And it's real hair, not baby hair. It seems like a light brown color right now. Jason had blond hair when he was younger but I really hope Harper has brown.

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