
10 and Counting

I've been thinking recently that I really need to start recording some positive things/memories/ experiences from this pregnancy. If I don't, when I look back on these 9 months I know I will only remember thinking how uncomfortable I was and how much complaining I did.

I thought a count down might be appropriate since that's what I've been doing for the last... 100 days or so.

I officially have 10 weeks left. 10 WEEKS! That's how many weeks I was pregnant when we made the big announcement. Seems like an eternity ago. 

10 Things I Ate and Probably Shouldn't Have or Didn't Eat and Probably Should Have, But Blamed It On The Pregnancy:
  1. Ranch Doritos- and lots of them! Sometimes they were the only thing that sounded good to me when I was nauseated and guess what- they really did help relieve the sick feeling!
  2. Hamburger Meat- one thing I could not seem to swallow or even think of swallowing during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy was hamburger meat, in just about any form. I even told Jason that if this kid has an aversion to hamburger meat I will not force him to eat it. Ever.
  3. 10:30 PM middle of the week pizza run. The 10:30 part only happened once, but we frequently gave in to a pizza order or two! Especially after the Papa Johns (our fave!) opened down the road and we no longer had to drive to Roy to pick it up.
  4. Mountain Dew Slurpee- Usually when we (mostly Jason) would drive to Roy to pick up the pizza, he would also include a stop at 7-11 for a nice big Slurpee- Mt. Dew flavor only please!
  5. Cherry Pop Tarts- I ate these for breakfast a lot during the first trimester. They were easy to grab and take to work and let's face it, the first trimester pretty much sucks so I did what I wanted without thinking of calories. A few times an old guy at work would take a look at the pop tarts and ask if I was eating healthy for the baby? I just "yep!" while taking a large bite out of my tart!
  6. Fast Food- just in general. I've eaten way too much of it in the last 7 months. Every time I pull up to the drive through guilt would start to creep in and then I would just tell myself "You're pregnant" and it would magically float away! This is probably going to be one of the hardest habits to break after I pop. I should probably start weaning myself off now.
  7. Lunch Meat- they tell you not to eat lunch meat unless it's deli fresh or heated because of some bacteria that could be on it and could harm the baby. Now some of you may think I'm an irresponsible mom- but I ate/eat lunch meat. Sandwiches have always been a favorite of mine and especially while I was sick. I'm pretty sure that Harper will be okay even though I did eat a turkey sandwich or two.
  8. Butterfinger- I went through a butterfinger phase around Halloween time. Loved them! Especially crushed up on top of vanilla ice cream. 
  9. Water- I have definitely not met the daily water quota recommended by my doctor. I don't really know how anyone can drink that much water in a day actually. It's like a gazillion ounces. 
  10. TUM TUM TUM TUM TUMS... I HATE TUMS. But I've realized that I hate constant heartburn even more. So I have been choking down anywhere from 10-15 tums a day. You should see my face when I eat them, it's similar to the distorted look I get when I drink cough syrup. I even have to take them with a glass of water to actually get them down. I know- pathetic. 
On a nesting note... here's a sneak peak at one of the projects I've been working on for the nursery.



    Teri Wadman said...

    I loved your list. I have to say that I have had deli meat as well. It is sometimes the only thing that sounds good. I have found since I have been prego that when something sounds good it just won't get out of your head until you have it. And I am dying to know what this is you are working. I am on the lookout for good ideas for decorating...so I am excited when you post about the finished product :)

    Katie Price said...

    I can't wait! Love you.