

I thought I was 32 weeks... turns out I'm actually 31 weeks. That was an awesome reality check.

9 "Firsts" Experienced in The Past 31 Weeks:
  1. First time having a positive pregnancy test... obviously. However, NOT the first time taking a pregnancy test. Having it show up positive was the most surreal feeling, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or both. I took the test at work and wanted to keep it to show Jason... so I wrapped it in A LOT of toilet paper and stuffed it in my pocket. Lovely.
  2.  First time announcing a pregnancy- to Jason and to our families. I was very nervous for both experiences. Jason's first reaction was "How do you know?" Even though both of the positive pregnancy tests were in front of him. I can imagine telling your husband you are pregnant is a lot like asking your wife (well girlfriend I guess) to marry you. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking from nerves when I knew all along there was nothing to be nervous about. 
  3. First time gagging myself while brushing my teeth. 
  4. First time having a panic attack about how in the world we were going to take care of this baby and provide for this baby and figure it all out. Okay that was sort of a lie... I had panicked about it before but after we were pregnant it was all too real.
  5. First time buying a baby outfit and then hanging it up in the closet instead of wrapping it for someone else. 
  6. First time hearing his little rapid heartbeat.
  7. First time feeling him move- realizing that there actually is another human being growing inside of me. 
  8. First time Jason felt his son kick. I tried for the longest time, starting around month 5, to get Jason to feel him. Whenever he sat next to me I put his hand on my belly... that's probably why he doesn't sit so close anymore!
  9. First time realizing how much I already love this little being. It's pretty unreal the bond, love, and protection you feel for something you haven't even met. At my last appointment the doctor said he had a "fat head" and I was a little offended... that's my boy you're talking about- was what I wanted to say. It's a perfect head big or small, fat or skinny.


Katie Price said...

will you ever forgive me? both travis and angie said "uh, that's really bad". i think that means they think you shouldn't forgive me. i think the only excuse i have is that i am not on my game lately. so not a valid excuse. and trav got home today so i forgot to call you, but i will tomorrow. just know that i love you guys. i really mean it.

Shae and Zane said...

That sux about the weeks! I thought the end would be hard just with the first cuz I wanted to see the baby, but its the same with the second. Seems to take forever! Hope you are still feeling good!