
August 13, 2011

I can't believe how fast this day came! Yes, I am still a Josh Groban fan. Not a FANatic though, just a normal concert going type of fan. Hailey and I bought these tickets before Harper was even born so we have both been looking forward to it for a while. After a yummy dinner at The DoDo we made our way to Energy Solutions Arena. I hardly had the car in park when Hailey was practically jumping out of it to get to the concert... even though we were an hour early.

This picture was taken with my phone so not the best quality but it shows how fetching close we were to the stage! Speaking of picture taking... Hailey and I both have the same Nikon SLR camera and we decided to call the arena before the concert to make sure we could bring it. We didn't want to have to go back to the car if we couldn't take it in. They said they didn't allow professional cameras and they considered anything with a removable lens a professional camera... so we begrudgingly brought my point and shoot. We saw at least 3 people just around us with "professional" cameras. Annoying. I shouldn't be so concerned with following the rules. It never gets me anywhere. 
 There was the stage in front of us about 15 rows and then there was a mini stage behind us only 4 rows! It was an awesome view!

 He is surprisingly a pretty funny entertainer. It was a good concert, besides my mishap during the opening act. Tipping over another person's Coke and having to clear the row so it could be mopped up. Fun. Other than that it was a great night. I'm glad Hailey talked me into going six months. Six months ago I was miserably pregnant and didn't even want to walk to the bathroom, let alone go to a concert. This was my 3rd Josh Groban concert and only like my 5th concert ever. Even though it was a super fun night, since becoming a mommy my perspectives have been drastically altered. I was glad that I was at the concert but it wasn't as important and I wasn't as excited as the first 2 Josh Groban concerts. I'm sure it has a lot to do with this little guy and how much more important he is to me and how much more excited I am to see him.

The day after the concert we all went to my mom's for dinner. Harper had a great time playing in the water. Such a cutie! He's growing so fast. He is already such a busy boy. I'm glad that I held him a lot when he was littler because he's not very snugly anymore. He just wants to look around, scoot off your lap and go go go. I'm going to savor these next couple of months before he's crawling because I know I'm really going to have my hands full after that.

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